Wednesday, April 14, 2010

LIVE from the Senate!

Today at work, my intern friends and I talked about blogging. In the process, we found out that we all had our own blogs! Aren't we cool?
And, in fact, they ARE pretty cool! Here are the links to their respective blogs.

Drew: To You from Drew
Drew is the most dedicated blogger of us all. He started his blog today and already has 6 posts. I'm pretty sure that's just as many, if not more, posts than Taco and I have put up in the span of several months.
Warning: The picture of Sarah Palin may cause nightmares.

Jill has 2!
I Love Michelle Obama
This blog focuses solely on the beautifully classy style of our lovely First Lady, Michelle Obama. I ADORE this blog. I love both fashion AND Michelle Obama. What more could I ask for?
Just Jill
This is Jill's personal blog, where she posts things she thinks are cool. And, indeed they are cool!

The Voice of Youth is the Voice of Reason
I just met Taz today, and I am happy to say that we hit it off at once. His blog parodies "hipsters." Quite the entertaining read.

These are all very interesting blogs, and I encourage you to visit, peruse, and follow them! I really did enjoy them all. :)

Anyways, I think it's time for an update on my life. What has happened since December? More fittingly, what hasn't happened?

It is now the year 2010. I can't believe that it has already been 10 years since Y2K. It seems like just yesterday when I stayed up celebrating the turn of the new millennium. But... it has. I might as well get used to it. I am getting old.

I have also been working in the U.S. Senate this semester. It's been pretty awesome! Sure, there have been some bad days, but overall, I have definitely enjoyed working here.
And on that same note, Health Care Reform is law! I can't even express how excited I am for our country. Thank you Congress. Thank you President Obama. We appreciate all that you do for America.

Summer is starting to creep up! I can't wait. I love love love Georgetown, and I don't want to leave, but I am definitely ready to stop thinking for several months. I'm also ready to make lots of money this summer! I already got a call from a prospective client for my tutoring business today! I was soooo excited. :) I am such a nerd.

Anyways, I am coming back to Texas on May 16th. Finals are my last obstacle to that momentous day. That and... actually going to class. I really have a problem with that.

But, I digress. I have decided that Taco and I need more pictures/videos on our blog to spice things up a little bit.
As a result, I end this really long post with both a video AND a picture! They both relate to my beautiful state of Texas.

I really, really, really want this shirt from Urban. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy it so that I can represent Tejas!


I ADORE kevjumba. He's originally from Texas, so in this video, he and PapaJumba go watch Texas Stadium implode.
Although that's kind of sad, the video is HILARIOUS. Watch it!

XOXO Kimchi

P.S. Don't forget to visit my friends' blogs!


  1. I LOVE being anonymous and "mysterious" :]
    and it's so interesting that the people you work with all have blogs too! I guess everyone thinks alike and wants to get their opinions out there for the world to read! I also think the blog for Michelle Obama is INSANE (in a good way) and I will definitely be looking at that later on lol!

    You should def get the TX shirt and show your longhorn pride Sooji :D
